People with disabilities want quality, affordable housing where they can be part of a small community. They want to feel safe and secure and have the necessary support they need to live a full and happy life. Our research shows they want to share with like-minded friends and, like most of us, they want a place they can call “HOME”. Families want peace of mind knowing their loved ones are safe and happy.
People with disabilities and mental health issues are amongst the most vulnerable in our community. Because of this, there is a significant risk that these people, without assistance, could face homelessness. This is because of barriers finding accommodation due to lack of income (living off DSP), lack of quality/affordable housing and potential discrimination in the rental market.
The Carinbundi Foundation is a registered charity with a vision of providing homes for people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities in the Bundaberg region.
It is not just about providing houses for people with disabilities – it is much more than that. We build houses that become homes where residents are free to be themselves. We want these houses to become their “forever homes”. As a not-for-profit we can offer homes at less than market rental rates. This gives residents additional money each week to go out and be part of their community. We want inclusiveness to be affordable.
These homes will be close to community amenities where residents can visit their local shops and become integral members of their community.
You can follow the links on our website to buy-a-brick.